Saturday, April 27, 2013

iBATIS vs Hibernate

·         Simpler
·         Faster development time
·         Flixable
·         Much smaller in package size

·         Generates SQL for you which means you don't spend time on SQL
·         Provides much more advance cache
·         Highly scalable

iBATIS makes use of SQL which could be database dependent

Hibernate makes use of HQL which is relatively independent of databases and it is easier to change db in Hibernate

iBatis maps the ResultSet from JDBC API to your POJO Objets.

Hibernate maps your Java POJO objects to the Database tables

Friday, March 29, 2013

Code too large for try statement

The size limit in Java for a method is 65535 characters. The length of field and method names, field and method descriptors, and other constant string values is limited to 65535 characters by the 16-bit unsigned length item of the CONSTANT_Utf8_info structure (§4.4.7). Note that the limit is on the number of bytes in the encoding and not on the number of encoded characters. UTF-8 encodes some characters using two or three bytes. Thus, strings incorporating multibyte characters are further constrained.